Japanese Saws

I love these. I have two Dozukis and one Ryoba, these are Japanese blades used for ripping and crosscutting wood. Dozukis are used for crosscutting, this is the act of cutting a piece of wood across the grain. I love these. I have two Dozukis and one Ryoba, these are Japanese blades used for ripping and crosscutting wood.

Dozukis are used for crosscutting, this is the act of cutting a piece of wood across the grain. The cutting blade consists of small teeth that are designed to cut on the pull stroke. The top of the blade is set in a sheath of metal, this keeps the blade straight and prevents the blade from cutting at an improper angle.

Ryobas are double sided cutting saws. One side has crosscut teeth, the other has rip teeth. The rip teeth only cut one way - on the pull stroke. Very straight and long cuts can be achieved with this blade, in feudal Japan woodworkers used these blades for all of their wood craft


Micro plane files can be used to sharpen the small teeth on these blades. If the saws are used improperly you can rip the teeth from the blade. You also need to insure that the saw does not bind on the wood, increased pressure will rip out teeth. If you do this you have to buy a replacement, they are very easy to replace.