Obscure recovery progress (update 7)
(One in a series of posts about the system recovery)
I've started fixing up more issues with the mail system and bringing it up to 2024 standards. Now we have DKIM, ARC and DMARC installed and configured. DMARC is set to reporting mode but in another week or so I will set it to reject mode if the reports I get are favorable. I've also reinstalled clamav-milter and clamd for better anti-malware protection on mail passed through obscure.org. I've started the installation process for mailman3 to restore mailing list functionality.
I have also managed to get the bareos backup volumes online and am preparing to configure the software. That should make it possible to recover backups of some of the last things that have not yet been recoved, such as the mysql databases and configurations of some of the other support systems that have been offline since the 2022 disaster.
Slowly but surely we are getting there! You can call or SMS me at +1 (571) 236-0938 if you have questions or need urgent help.