Saturday, June 09, 2007


I'm feeling lonely. Jess was down here for a week at the end of last month, and I miss her terribly. Also, I haven't seen much of my friends lately, and we're all really busy so finding a time to actually get together is tough. It doesn't help that my mom is up in Erie until an undetermined date. I'm glad she's getting to spend time with Nana and recover from her surgery, but I know that Rosie misses her. The poor dog goes over and lies by the stairs expecting her to come down. And there's nobody around to spend time with her all day, which isn't good. Dad's been pretty good about taking her for a walk every day, but still. I feel bad for her.
Wow. I'm not sure whether that's empathy for the dog, or me projecting my own feelings onto her. In any case, we all miss my mom. And my friends Ade and Rose have been bugging me to come back up to Pittsburgh and visit them, and I'd really love to but I just don't know when I'm gonna have the chance to do that. Next weekend is out 'cause its Father's Day (still gotta get him something!), and one of these days I'm gonna have to go hassle with my car to get an emissions waiver because of the messed up electrical system that's too old to do a computerized test on. You remember the hassle I went through with that a year ago, right?


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