MMS Friends

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

back at school

got moved back in yesterday. Unpacked and took Jess to dinner at Julian's. Trying to organize myself here in prep for first day of classes tomorrow and my Senior Project. Still a few things I'll need to pick up next time I go shopping.
I nowe have more calanders than know what to do with: three daily calenders-new word a day, word origins, and "knit-bits"; and three monthly wall calenders-one from the school, one from USAID, and one from that arrivred in the mail from America's Rivers.
Jess got me presents! the aforementioned knitting calender, some jellybeans, Oddball Knitting, and Forbidden Knowledge from Mental Floss. Also a cool picture of Hank Scorpio she drew. I'll scan that in later and post it for everyone to see.


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