MMS Friends

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

(6:00pm local time) So I've got ~24 hours before we leave for the airport to fly back to the States. My folks are coming with me. Dad will split in NEwark and head to D.C. for work-related meetings and to see Grandma, his brother, probaly Adam... you get the idea. Mom and I will go on to CLeveland, and from there to Erie. Spend a couple days at Nana and Pop-Pop's, maybe go skiing (that word always looks weird in print... two 'i's next to each other...). CLasses resume in a week, but I want to get down to Meadville on Monday. Get settled in, see Jess, catch uop on sleep, etc before classes star again. I'm looking forward to the semester, it should be a good one, I hope. I'm only taking three classes (thank you, IB English from High School!), and one of them is my Comp , and another is an Art History with Schindler that I'll take Credit/No Credit., so hopefully I'll have enough time to work and still not feel overwhelmed by everything. Hopefully.
IT's been nivce to be in ISreal again, but I think three visits is plenty. 'm ready to go back.


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