CalFusion Prototype Limitations

Note the following limitations of the CalFusion prototype:

No message delete or aging function is implemented (messages must be manually deleted from email and flat file).

No on-demand update (email read) function is provided on the user interface.

Although the parser uses the configuration file to determine the email accounts, the accounts are hard-coded in the user interface (note this was due to time constraints rather than technical limitations).

Currently the periodic update function is provided by a shell script (containing a while loop with a half-hour sleep) rather than a cron job. Because of this, it will not restart automatically if the server is rebooted. Note: the last time the parser script ran can be determined by viewing the calfusion.log file.

No locking function was provided to prevent errors if two copies of the parser are run simultaneously.

The send function does not provide error checking on the date and time fields. For instance, if the time is not entered in 24-hour format, the times displayed on the UI will not be valid (although the rest of the message will be displayed). Also, the entered name is not integrated with the email address (in From: field of email).

The frames implementation operates correctly in Internet Explorer, but not in Netscape. When viewed in Netscape, the user interface is functional, but the message lists and message text appear in a separate window, instead of the top frame as intended.

Only POP3 email is supported.