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Re: Svrolling text bar

>I know that there is a java applet that creates a text bar with
>scrolling text, but is there a javascript out there that does the same
Take a look at http://www.ids.net/~pmccarty/home.shtml
(part of http://www.ids.net/~pmccarty/)
I have a script which does just this. Just copy the code and put in your own

                                Pat McCarty

              .:.                                   Patrick T. McCarty

             .:::.                                  PC Programming/Internet
            .:::::.                                 McLaughlin Research Corp.
        ***.:::::::.***                       email : pmccarty@ids.net
   *******.:::::::::.*******          www : http://www.ids.net/~pmccarty/
   .:'  ***************    .                                             