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Re: again window.status and frames.

At 09:02 PM 2/13/96 -0300, you wrote:
>I think that I found a little bug in Netscape 2.0 16 bit release for Windows.
>if you have page with frames, and you have window.status code in any of the
>frames, probably you'll get these message not after the first time...

Just load the windows.status stuff from <frameset> of the main document and
everything will work fine.

   _____                                                            _____  
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 /   (__|__________________________________________________________|__)   \
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  \__|                    ~X~ Jason Farnsworth ~X~                    |__/ 
     |                 jafar@oz.net, jafar1@cdrom.com                 | 
     |             jason@world9.com, jafar@mail.serve.com             |
     |                  http://www.serve.com/~jafar/                  |    