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Re: Help, please! Ack! Oop!

At 22:05 14/01/96 -0800, you wrote:

>> Could somebody please let me know why Netscape 2.0b5 (Mac, 68k) insists on
>> crashing whenever I include a "document.write" call?  Thia simple script
>> crashes Netscape every time I load it.:
>> --------------------------
>> <head><title>yeah</title></head>
>> <body onLoad="changebg()">
>> <script>
>> function changebg () {
>>         document.write("Hello world");
>> }
>> </script>

onLoad is called after the docment has been fully loaded and rendered. Once
this happens you cannot write anything else to the Web page - simple as that.

|   Cornerstone      | Wes Tatters             |  Using: NAVCIS 1.25 |
|       Productions  | CIS: 100036,174         |  Via    COMT 1.03   |
| Brisbane AUSTRALIA | INT: wtatters@world.net |  and    EUDORAET    |