on 03/11/99 04:52:20 PM Subject: Ming's career worksheet From: oddlystrange :Um counselor-n-stuff can I take a career guidance test. because really :I don't *want* to work when I grow up. I've concluded that working :sucks-n-stuff. okay, pesky terrans, here's my easy career guidance worksheet. write down your answers and use the answer key to find your ideal job. muhahahhhaa!! ..oops, i mean, um, ..good luck!! -Counselor Mingg 1. do you want to work? a. yes. b. no way, dude. (skip to question 4) 2. do you want to work hard? a. yes. sign me up. b. what? no! (skip to question 4) 3. for very little recognition? ..and no holidays? ever? a. woohoo, YEAH! bring the pain!! b. no 4. do you have any of the following: death ray, death star, evil pocket dimension, alien/demonic/android army, anti-life element, trilithium bombs (more than one), Ping the Pug, alien mutagen, Roton ATV, the killing joke, existential hiaku, the Microsoft Corporation, the ultimate nullifier, or halitosis? a. yes. (skip to question 6) b. no 5. are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the communist party? a. yes b. no 6. are you currently running Groupwise on your computer? a. yes b. no answer key: 1 2 3 4 5 6 - you should be.. - - - - - - y y n n n n - a computer geek. y y y n n n - a computer consultant geek. y y n n y n - a White House intern. y y y n y n - a fuedal serf. hope you enjoy turnips. y n - n n n - Vice President of a large Corporation. y n - y y n - a James Bond villain, or ruthless alien despot. y n - y y n - a beloved son of the People's Republic of China. y y y y n n - sorry. Mr Gates' job has already been filled. n - - y n n - crazed militia leader. invest in a fireproof lair. n - - y y n - Fidel Castro's position should be opening up soon. (if you're running Groupwise, you're just screwed.)